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Trip Reports

Lower Yock @ 1.74, LF @ 2.68 - Thurs, 15 Sept
Alford Cooley
Thursday Paddlers:
Lower Yough - Just back.  Great day. 9 paddlers.  Level 1.74. Very mellow. Lots of play. No swims. One roll and one boat full of water washing spiders out after an attempted practice roll.
Barb, Miki, Bob Maxy, Jeanne, John Snitzer. Paul mohler, Louise, Valerie and Dan Isbister.
Little Falls - 10 paddlers - two swims.  Level  2.68   80 degrees in water and air - overcast  Tide pretty much out when we arrived at LF.
Four paddlers new to the Thursdays:  Walter Weiss, Melissa Ashby (returning to WW boating after motherhood - 2 kids now 9 + 11), Ed Blizzard from Balto, and the legendary Ed Gertler, who was collecting beer cans off the side of the river.  Otherwise:  Mark, Tim, Wayne, Al Cassel, and Alf -
  The 0.2 inches below our recent 2.7' runs sawed off quite a bit of the bounce on the Big One - with Gus and Mark taking the Virginia route via the Hairy Ferry.  Since there wasn't even a trickle in the stream at the Beaver Drop put-in, we skipped it as likely to be too hard on our boats.
  Thursday Paddler Webpage:
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