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Trip Reports

The C&O Canal is drained for the Winter - SUN,...
John Snitzer

So this Sunday, 24 Nov, we ran a shuttle up from Pennyfield, putting in at Rileys. Beautiful day, sunny and mild (water/air: 48/54 degrees) with calm wind (7 mph, west - at our backs.) The river water gets gin clear this time of year. All seven of us followed John into the new Left Channel and found it cheery and with good sight lines. It incorporates the drop of Diagonal and Attainment Rapid in the neighboring Middle Channel, so there is continuous whitewater. Over in Right Channel is Jacuzzi Rapid. At today's 2.9 ft, there was ample water.

The sun was aligned with the aqueduct tunnel at Muddy Branch so the stone arch ceiling was lit up with reflected light, a very nice effect I had not seen before.

Alf, Barb, Hendrick, Jim S, Dmitry, John S, and Bob H. LF gauge about 2.90'.

Looks like off-season paddling begins next weekend with temps in the mid thirties. Time to look for pogies and fleece.

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