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Highlights of June 5 Board Meeting

The CCA Board met virtually June 5. The full minutes have been posted on the CCA website (Members Only > Documents > Meeting Minutes). Here are some highlights, from minutes taken by Secretary Jen Sass: 

Present: David (Cotton) Cottingham, Susan Sherrod, Risa Shimoda, Diane Hobbs, Kathleen Sengstock, Joan Goodbody, Jen Sass, Ginny DeSeau, Marilyn Jones, Dianne Whitaker, Barb Brown, Rolando Arrieta, Gary Quam, Ed Gertler, Alf Cooley, Lynn Miller

Chair's Comments

Cotton expressed appreciation for a variety of recent efforts. Thank you to Trips chairs Gary and Ginny Quam and other coordinators for a paddling season that is going wonderfully; Dean Hawes for the Roster now out; and Risa Shimoda and the coordination team for a successful Downriver Race.

Next year will be the 70th anniversary of the Downriver Race. We need to do something special. Cotton asked Barb to pull together a small group of club historians to help plan for next year's events. Thanks, Barb!

Treasurer’s report—Marilyn 

Net income as of June 2 is a loss of $1,200. We paid some large invoices in May: the Roster, T-shirts for the race, and invoices for the July safety class. By the end of May, some registrations for the Lower Yough Clinic had been received in ClubExpress but not received by the bank, so they do not appear in this month's report as income. 

Financials for the race are complete: net income was $411, which is slightly less than $692 for last year due in large part to T-shirts costing $500 more this year than last (possibly because they were silkscreened). 

Advertising—Diane H.

Tons of gratitude to all our race sponsors: River and Trail Outfitters, Great Falls Foundation, and Immersion Research (Gold); Calleva River School (Silver); RVA Paddlesports (a new business for us), Potomac Conservancy, Washington Canoe Club, Team River Runner, and River Riders (Bronze). 

Our total advertising income for 2024 is approximately $3,110, almost the same as 2023's $3,000. In addition to the race sponsors, two businesses purchased roster ads: Woodland Oasis Vacation Rental and Shenandoah River Outfitters. Newsletter ads were purchased by Woodland Oasis, River and Trail Outfitters, and River Riders.

Membership—Ginny D.

We have an uptick in new membership, which is normal for spring. One new member said she was recommended to CCA by Calleva. A few folks new to the area have joined. Two of the newest people have asked for hard-copy newsletters.


A Swift Water Rescue class for CCA members coming up in July still has some openings. [Editor's note: the class subsequently was canceled, as not enough members registered.] About five CCA members took a class with Calleva and got gift certificates to the Calleva River Store, which is good relationship building. There is also a discount offered by Potomac Paddlesports for CCA members who sign up for their SWR course.

Instruction—Cotton, for Gary Steinberg

Two Lower Yough kayak clinics for CCA members with Jordan Taylor are moving forward, and the Board supports setting up another LY clinic, this time for open canoes. [Editor's note: the canoe clinic was held July 29.] The first clinic, for Lower Yough first-timers, had a registration limit of eight people and filled up within three days. [See related article.] There is interest in doing more of these at an affordable price. 

Trips—Gary Q.

There have been 35 trips this year with 271 participants (attendees in each trip, totaled) and 105 unique paddlers). These include 10 weekend trips of 85 participants, 5 Sunday trips of 72 participants, 18 Thursday trips of 110 participants, and 2 pickup trips of 4 participants. 

Gary has been trying to get passes from River Riders for putting in at Bakerton for the Needles, but the communication with them is slow-going. [Editor's note: Passes for 2024 have since been made available.]

Conservation Committee—Kathleen and Dianne W.

There will be a cleanup this summer, but the date is not set yet. 

Next meeting: Aug. 7, online.